byFrédéric Pereira 11 octobre 2021 Gmail : une méthode pour nettoyer progressivement votre boîte mail

Gmail occupies a central place in our digital lives, so much so that everything seems to fall into our reception box.Including emails that we have not necessarily asked for.This is obviously a problem and you can very quickly be completely overwhelmed by a mass of emails not always useful or relevant.

However, if Gmail is completely free, the service gives the right to a limited storage space.And once the threshold is reached, it is therefore necessary to switch to one of the paid offers.

This is the reason why it is essential to keep control over your box ... and make a regular cleaning in it.

Read also: Gmail: the small hidden menu which centralizes your purchases and subscriptions

Don't let your mailbox escape

A few weeks ago, we presented some tips in this direction, tips highlighting several functions designed to help you keep control of your box.

If the latter work well, they are ultimately to be used as a last resort and once the situation has escaped you.And once the cleaning is done, it is of course essential to carry out regular cleaning to avoid finding yourself once again in the obligation to do a deep cleaning.

And precisely, here is a method that will allow you to gradually clean your mailbox.

This method is not revolutionary and it will probably not change the face of the world, but it will help you keep control of your box and get rid of unwanted or useless emails that may have escaped you.

Read also: Gmail: how to use the spelling and grammar corrector

A function to clean Gmail as you go

It is indeed to use the filter tool integrated into Gmail to bring all the emails similar to the one you are about to delete.

On your side, all you have to do is follow these steps:

  1. Ouvrez Gmail sur votre ordinateur ;
  2. Parcourez votre boîte de réception ;
  3. Identifiez un mail à supprimer ;
  4. Cochez la case présente sur sa ligne ;
  5. Cliquez sur les trois petits points situés dans la barre d’outils ;
  6. Cliquez sur “filtrer les messages similaires” ;
  7. Cliquez sur la liste des courriels similaires pour l’afficher ;
  8. Vérifiez qu’aucun courriel important ne s’y trouve ;
  9. Cliquez sur la case à cocher située dans la barre d’outils ;
  10. Gmail va sélectionner tous les courriels remontés dans la recherche ;
  11. Cliquez sur la corbeille pour les supprimer ;

This manipulation will be repeated regularly, as soon as you see an unwanted email appear.Thanks to this filter function, you can gradually clean your box and make sure you don't lose control of the situation.

Small precision that is important, you can completely select several emails before asking Gmail to display similar messages.This will save you a little time.

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