[Update on November 24, 2021 at 4:14 p.m.] Launched in 2020 under the name of Stopcovid, the application renamed Tousanticvid was downloaded by 35 million French people according to figures published on Twitter in October 2021.It is today the essential application for people wanting to have their health pass in their smartphone since it allows you to store its results of COVVID screening tests and vaccination certificates.As of December 15, people 65 and over, and people vaccinated with Janssen, must have made their recall, from the moment they are eligible (6 months after their last injection for the first and 1months for the latter), and after a maximum period of 4 weeks maximum.Beyond this period, their QR code will be automatically disabled.How to download all anti Cavid?Is it free?What does a person who controls the pass see via all Anti Cavid Verif?Does any anti Covid Carnet still work?We take stock.

What is all anticovid?

All anticovid is an enriched and interactive application of the first Stopcovid application released in 2020 for the ""contact Tracing"" of potential cases infected with COVI. TousAntiCovid permet à l'utilisateur testé positif COVID-19 de prévenir immédiatement les personnes qu'il aurait pu contaminer durant sa période de contagiosité en activant le Bluetooth sur son smartphone.Only contacts that have previously downloaded the app are informed.The ""contacts"" are the people crossed during the previous days, less than a meter, for at least fifteen minutes.The objective is to allow contact cases to monitor, consult a doctor, to be tested, where to isolate yourself if necessary and thus break the chain of transmission of the virus transmission.All anticovid also offers several practical features:

How to have your health pass in all anti Cavid?

All anticovid allows you to download documents on the smartphone acting as a health pass such as COVVID test results or the vaccination certificate.


Who created all anticovid?

The application was first a research project initiated at European level and in which Inria (National Institute for Research in Science and Technology of Digital) participated in France.Inria teams published in April 2020, with the Fraunhofer Heinrich Heintz Institut (Germany) teams, the Robert - for Robust and Privacy -Preserving Proximity Tracing protocol which presents a technical architecture for application of ""contact tracing"" inagreement with European values and on which all anticovid was built.The application is controlled by Inria, which combines public organizations, large groups and start-ups, but does not use the Apple and Google system to which other countries have subscribed.

How to download all anti Cavid?

The Tousanticvid application can be downloaded since Thursday October 22, 2020, on iOS and Android (Samsung type).Look for ""Tousanticavid"" on Play Store (or Google Play) if you have an Android phone or in App Store if you use an iPhone.You can also flash the QR code with your phone on this page.

> Télécharger sur Apple Store pour les iPhone

> Télécharger sur Google Play (ou Play Store) pour les Android le ficher APK

Once the application has been downloaded on the smartphone, it must be activated.To do so, just connect the device to Bluetooth and then click on the ""Activate Tousanticavid"" button on the application.

How to scan the QR code?

Un QR Code doit être scanné avec son application TousAntiCovid à l'entrée de chaque établissement mettant en place le dispositif Tous Anti Covid Signal pour être rappelé en cas de cas Covid positif ayant pu être présent en même temps que vous (salles des restaurants et de bars, salles de sport). Il n'est pas nécessaire de scanner le QR Code à la sortie. Pour scanner un QR Code dans l'application TousAntiCovid, c'est très simple :

To scan a QR code at the entrance of an establishment:

► To add his certificates (certificate, notebook, vaccination, displacement...):

How to update?

Like all applications, all anticovid can be regularly updated in order to improve or integrate new features.The last, on August 26, allows you to add your favorite certificates for faster and easy access, especially in a widget.Just click on ""Update"" in the Apple Store or Google Play after doing the ""Tousanticvid"" research.

How to download all anti covid-carnet?

Since April 19, 2021, the ALLANTOCOVIVE application offers a feature called ""Tousanticavid-Carnet"".She is available in all anticovid.So you have to download all anticovid to use it. TousAntiCovid Carnet permet de stocker sous forme numérique les certificats de test négatif ou positif et de vaccination.""Only tests of test and vaccination entered in French portals (SI-DEP for tests, Ameli teleservice for vaccinations) will be subject to certified health proof with a QR code and be integrated into the applicationAll anticovid ""specifies the allanticvid site.

How to download all anticovid Verif?

The ALL Application Tousanticvid Vérif is distinct from all anticovid.It is intended for professionals who manage establishments welcoming the public.However, it can be downloaded by everyone and for free on Google Play Store if you have an Android and on the Apple Store if you have an iPhone.It makes it possible to control and verify the validity of the vaccination certificates or the results of negative tests in the COVVI-19 by scanning the QR Customer Code.It is also capable of analyzing QR code in European format.Once the QR code flashed using the TAC Verif application, the authorized person sees: the name, the first name and the date of birth - a ""valid/invalid"" mention. Aucune connexion à l'internet ou à un serveur n'est nécessaire pour procéder à la vérification d'un Pass Sanitaire.

All anticovid Signal, is it compulsory?

This device was integrated into the reopening protocol of restaurants, bars and sports halls and is still in force.All anticovid Signal works from the Tousanticvid application by scanning the QR code located at the entrance to the place.It is generalized in establishments presenting a potential risk of contamination in COVID-19 where wearing the mask is not permanently possible as restaurants.At the entrance to the premises, you must open the all -anticovid application and go to the ""recall notebook"" then click on ""scan a QR code place"".

Is all anticovid free?

""The application is free and does not ask to provide personal information, underlines the Ministry of Health.If you scan a QR code, check that the link refers you to the government application all anticovid.""

Source : Ministère des solidarités et de la santé, TousAntiCovid Réponses à vos questions.

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