byFrédéric Pereira 8 septembre 2021 Gmail : 3 astuces pour nettoyer rapidement votre boîte

Your gmail looks like a minefield and it literally overflows with newsletters and messages, each more uninteresting than each other.Worse, the service also displays that you are dangerously approaching the maximum authorized storage space and it offers you to migrate to a paid subscription to solve the problem.

Do not panic, there are a few very simple tips that will allow you to make a big stroke in your box.

And as always, you are of course free to complete the list with your own tips.

TIP 1: Filter similar messages

The first tip is undoubtedly the simplest.It is indeed to automatically select all the emails sent by the same sender to delete them then in stride.

This manipulation will be very useful in the case, for example, where you subscribed to newsletters and that you have not taken the time to delete them gradually.It will indeed be possible to ask Gmail to display on one and the same page all the emails sent as part of this famous distribution list to delete them in one or two well -felt clicks.

To do this, simply follow these steps:

  1. Ouvrez Gmail ;
  2. Cochez la case du courriel concerné ;
  3. Cliquez sur les trois petits points situés au-dessus des messages ;
  4. Cliquez sur “filtrer les messages similaires” ;

Gmail will then display the list of all the messages sent by the same sender.If there are more than fifty, then it will display a link above this list to allow you to select all the associated conversations.

Click on it, then check the box above the email list to select them all.Once it’s done, just click the basket -shaped button.

All messages will then be placed in the gmail basket.

If this method is relatively simple, it requires being reproduced several times to be really effective.Note all the same that you can also select emails from several different sender and filter them then to go a little faster.

Read also: Gmail: how to open the detailed view of the contacts

TIP 2: Identify the heaviest emails

Not all emails are equal before the Lord.Some are indeed very light while others weigh heavy in your storage space.

The fault of these famous attachments, which can very quickly become a real weight for your Gmail account.Attachments that you don't necessarily need to keep.

And precisely, using the search for Gmail, you will be able to quickly display the heaviest emails.

How ?By following these steps:

  1. Ouvrez Gmail ;
  2. Cliquez dans la recherche ou sur le bouton présent dans le champ * ;
  3. Gmail affiche une série d’options de recherche ;
  4. Portez votre attention sur celle intitulée “taille” ;
  5. Laissez la première liste configurée par défaut “supérieure à” ;
  6. Saisissez une valeur numérique dans le champ situé à côté ;
  7. Lancez la recherche ;

* Here, everything will depend on the Gmail interface activated on your account.To find out more, we send you back to this file and to this article.

The most difficult with this trick will be to define the numerical value well and therefore the weight of the emails to be displayed.The best, to avoid unpleasant surprises, is undoubtedly to proceed by step and start for example by asking Gmail to display messages over 10 MB, then messages over 5 MB, then messages moreof 2 MB.

However, it is recommended to check the nature of these messages before deleting them.

Read also: Gmail: How to change your status?

Tip 3: Delete old emails

This tip is undoubtedly the most radical, and that also means that it will be handled with caution.

It is indeed to use the search for the service to display only old emails, the emails received at a period dating back several years back, and which you may no longer need.

And the word to remember here is of course "perhaps" since it is possible that some of these emails are useful.It will therefore be essential to redouble their prudence so as not to have a unpleasant surprise.

To display old emails, follow these steps:

  1. Ouvrez Gmail ;
  2. Cliquez dans la recherche ou sur le bouton présent dans le champ * ;
  3. Gmail affiche une série d’options de recherche ;
  4. Portez votre attention sur l’option “plage de date” ;
  5. Choisissez une option de la première liste et… ;
  6. Définissez la date de départ de votre choix dans le champ suivant ;
  7. Cliquez sur “Rechercher” ;

The functioning of this filter is not necessarily easy to understand at the beginning.It is indeed based on the joint use of two elements: a drop -down list and a calendar.

Concretely, in the first list, you will be able to define the period that interests you, with a total of eight options.

The second field, for its part, will allow you to mean Gmail the date from which it must work.If you define for example in this field on January 1, 2008 and select "one year" from the drop -down list, then Gmail will display all the emails received in the previous year and the following year.

Or all the emails received between January 1, 2007 and January 1, 2009.

I grant you, it is not necessarily very logical, but it is a blow to take.

Read also: the 5 most recent new products from Gmail

Bonus: how to refine the results

From the last versions of the service, Gmail has incorporated a series of buttons over the results list.These allow filters to be applied to the elements displayed through research.

Thanks to them, for example, it will be possible to display only the emails containing an attachment, or only those which have not been read.

Note also that their list differs.If you launch for example a search on emails weighing more than 10 MB, then you will find in this list an additional criterion to limit the search for results to a very specific period.An option that will of course not be offered on the research on the dates.

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