
En brefQu'est-ce qu'un ApkInstaller l'ApkCommentaires

Have you downloaded an Apk file, but you don't know what to do with it?Here is the procedure to install this Apk on your Android smartphone or tablet to transform it into a completely functional application.

Most users only install their applications from Google Play Store, the official Android store.There are nevertheless other solutions to obtain applications, generally requiring manually installing a file.Apk.Even if most users of advised Android devices know the maneuver, let's take stock of this very simple manipulation, but also very useful.

Pour télécharger des Apk, nous vous conseillons vivement de vous renseigner sur la source de votre fichier, c’est une pratique qui peut s’avérer dangereuse.

How to install aApk sur Android ? (version courte)

  1. Allez dans les paramètres, puis Sécurité
  2. Activez les sources inconnues
  3. Recherchez l’Apk sur votre téléphone (à l’aide d’un explorateur de fichiers par exemple)
  4. Lancez le fichier Apk et suivez les instructions
  5. (Optionnel, mais conseillé) Désactivez les sources inconnues

What is a file.APK?

Un fichier Apk — pour Android PacKage — est, comme son nom l’indique, un paquet contenant les fichiers d’une application.It is thanks to him that it is possible to install an application on your phone.To put it simply, we can somehow consider this as the equivalent of the instaler.ex on Windows,.DMG on Mac OS X or even Debian packages.

How to install afichier Apk sur un smartphone ou une tablette Android ?


Il peut être intéressant d’installer un fichier au format Apk pour diverses raisons.Among other things, we can cite beta programs (even if most now go directly through the Google Play Store), but also late updates, geographic restrictions (we think of Pokémon Go madness), orsimple desire not to go through a Google service and avoid the centralization of information as much as possible.It may also happen that certain applications are refused on the Play Store, or simply do not want to appear there, thus forcing to go through the site of its developer or a third party market.This is the case for example for Fortnite.

Attention néanmoins, installer un fichier Apk est globalement plus dangereux que de passer par le Google Play Store, ce dernier vérifiant — a posteriori certes — qu’il ne s’agit pas d’un fichier malveillant.During installation, Android nevertheless performs a quick verification to ensure that it is not known malware.If you do not have extreme confidence in the download platform for your file, check the requested authorizations well and avoid entering too sensitive data such as your bank card number via the application.

How to install a.APK on its Android?(detailed explanation)

La première chose à faire avant de pouvoir installer un fichier Apk est d’autoriser l’installation d’applications issues de sources inconnues (comprendre : qui ne proviennent pas du Google Play Store).You will find this option in the "security" part of your phone settings.Note that after installation it is advisable to deactivate this option to reduce the risk.

Une fois cette formalité effectuée, téléchargez votre fichier Apk depuis votre terminal ou copiez-le dessus (que ce soit en USB ou via un service tiers).Then just use a file explorer (whether native or found on the Google Play Store) to find the file in question.On many devices, you will find an application called "Downloads" allowing you to access it easily, otherwise it is most certainly in the "Downloads" folder located at the root of your phone.

MK Explorer (File Manager)

Télécharger MK Explorer (File Manager) gratuitementApk

Cliquez alors sur le fichier Apk et suivez les instructions qui s’affichent à l’écran.

During installation, you will be asked to validate or not the authorizations given to the application.Take the time to read them carefully and deactivate those that seem shady.

And here it is, don't forget to deactivate unknown sources and enjoy your brand new application freshly installed.

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