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(Pocket -Lint) - The latest Google phones are delivered with new software, and this year there are a lot of changes.Android 12 brings many new features under the hood, which means many interesting new features to discover.

Although there are many big changes to which Shabituer, there are also less known capacities and features that we have found very useful on the Pixel 6 and the Pixel 6 Pro.

Watch our video below for a visual guide on these features, or read the rest below if you prefer a written guide.


1.Make the digital sensor more reliable

The Digital Pixel 6 Digital Sensor is not incredible, so if you want to make it a little more reliable, there is a practical lepoching tip where the Touchid Liphid sensors were not too hot either: simply save the same finger or thumbs severaltimes.

Une fois que vous avez configuré votre première analyse dempreintes digitales, accédez à Paramètres > Sécurité > Déverrouillage par empreinte digitale.Now type your PIN code to access the settings.Press "Add a fingerprint" and scan this same finger or thumb again.During our tests, we discovered that it made the scanner much less likely to break down.

2.Press back to take a screenshot

For years, the default way to take a screenshot on Android has been dapped on two buttons together.This can be a little delicate, depending on the position and arrangement of the buttons.But you can activate a gesture to take a screenshot by simply pressing your phone from your phone.

Ouvrez Paramètres > Système et sélectionnez maintenant « Gestes ».At the top, you will see "Quick Tap".Select this option and activate the function on the next Lécran.By default, its action is defined on Capture Three, so now, when you press the phone twice, a subcran capture will be taken.

If you prefer to have a different function, you can do it, may be sagisse to pause or play music, launch Google assistant or duse notifications.

If you find that it is too easy to dactivate the double support function, you can activate lopion at the bottom of the Lécran which requires stronger support for which launches the function you have chosen.


Pixel 6 and 6 pro have big screens, and you could therefore find some things that are difficult to achieve.This is why Android 12 now has a hand mode that brings things down from the top of Lécran.

Dirigez-vous vers Paramètres> Système> Gestes et choisissez "Mode à une main".Now activate it.Once active, when you slide downwards down to the bottom of the Lécran, user sabaissera user, allowing you to discuss the top elements with your thumb.

4.Deactivate "in one stroke"

Trucs et astuces Google Pixel 6 : 13 fonctionnalités Android 12 à essayer

By default, the pixel's home screen presents something called "at a glance" at the top.Most of the time, it displays the weather conditions, but it also automatically displays important calendar events and travel plans from your Gmail account.

If you want to deactivate it, press the "at one stroke" widget for a long time and press "Customize".Now press "in a dice" in the list, then on "Disable".You can also activate or deactivate the specific features display.


5.Allow rotation of the home screen

If you like to use your phone in landscape orientation, the pixel whose Lécran Daccueil rotation function is deactivated by default can be slightly frustrating, but fortunately you can lactivate.

Long press the wallpaper of your home screen and press "Daccueil settings".Now activate the switch below next to "authorize the rotation of Lécran Daccueil".And now, every time you rotate your daccueil screen in landscape mode, user linter is running with you.Just make sure also dactivate the "automatic rotation" function in your shadow of quick parameters, to make sure you don't have to press the small Lécran rotation icon each time.

6.Reverse wireless recharge

The inverted wireless load of Pixel Sappelle Battery Share, and it will allow you to load wireless devices compatible with your phone on your phone.Simply unroll the fast parameters and press battery sharing.Turn over your phone and place your product compatible with wireless rebellious to Larrière from it.

In addition, if you press Licône for a battery sharing for a long time, you will access the main battery sharing settings.Here you will find a cursor that allows you to define a limit to stop the load.Just in case the loading of your headphones or your favorite smartwatch will unload your phone's battery.Adjust the cursor until this limit is at a comfortable level.The default value is only 10 percent.

7.Quickly access Google Pay from the lock screen

Once you have configured Google Pay for contactless payments, you can access it directly from locking lip.When your phone is locked, you will see a small card icon at the bottom of Lécran, in the right corner.By pressing on it, you quickly launch Gpay so you can use the goods to pay goods.

Si ce nest pas le cas, assurez-vous que Google Pay est configuré pour la carte que vous avez choisie, puis accédez à Paramètres > Affichage > Écran de verrouillage et assurez-vous que la bascule « Afficher le portefeuille » est activée.

8.Multilingual keyboard

If you speak of several languages and communicate regularly in them, you will probably find it useful to have a bilingual or multilingual keyboard.Rather than having to constantly change my language.

Accédez à Paramètres > Système > Langues > Clavier à lécran et appuyez maintenant sur « Gboard ».Now press languages and "add a keyboard" and choose moon from the list from the list.

When you start to type now, the installed keyboard will automatically detect when you write in Mon or Lautre and can correct and predict Lorthograph of the two without ever having to change manually.

9.Quickly turn off your micro or camera access

This one is very fast, but it is a new feature.Unroll the settings and search for the camera and microphone flip -flops.Press Lun Deux and it will immediately block your camera and microphone so that your phone application cannot access it.

10.Reading history in progress

Moon of the most useful features of pixel in recent years is dapping the name and latist of any song being read where you are. Pour lactiver, allez dans Paramètres> Affichage> Écran de verrouillage et "En cours de lecture" et activez le commutateur si ce nest pas déjà fait.

To display the songs that have been tagged recently, scroll until "current reading history" and you will see a list of songs, as well as the time they were tagged.In addition, if you want to add a shortcut to this list, you can.In fact, once you are in the list, a contextual window appears asking you if you wish.Just press "yes".

If this is not the case, go to your Daccueil screen, press a long time and press "Widgets" in the context menu.Now choose "Android System Intelligence" and keep the shortcut "being read of lhistoric" and drag it to a space on your Daccueil screen.

11.Disable your Google Discover page

To the left of the home screen, you will almost always find the Google flow page, showing you news and videos which judge relevant to you, but you can deactivate it.Long press your thumb and choose "Daccueil parameters".Now deactivate the "sweeping to access the Google application" option.

12.Show a RAW image switch in the camera

If you want a manual switch to choose between RAW and JPE, you can have one.Open your camera, press the inner settings in the area and now select "More Settings".Now choose "Advanced" and Activate Loption indicating "RAW+JPEG" control.

When you open the LapPareil Photo settings menu that takes care of the viewfinder view/monitor, you will now see an option that allows you to switch between RAW + JPEG or simply to take photos in JPEG.

13.Android Easter egg 12

This is not a new version of Android without Easter egg, and the way to find it is always the same. Ouvrez Paramètres > À propos du téléphone et appuyez sur « Version Android ».On the next screen, press "Android version" several times until it loads an image of a widget dhorloge.

Now turn the minute minute needle until the hour reaches 12 hours.He will now load an Android 12 Easter egg in the theme of your phone.

There is also an additional element with Easter: Press your Daccueil screen for a long time and press "Widgets".Now choose "Android s widget" and drag and place the shortcut of the paint chip on your Daccueil screen.If you wish, you can resize the widget to display several color cards.Press it, and they will take care of in full screen, and you can press Nimplet which individual card to share this color.It's quite useless, but it's an Easter egg, he doesn't need to have a point.

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