Apple is not present on Youtube only for its television series and its keynots.Indeed, the firm also has a dedicated channel to help its customers better understand the possibilities offered by their mobile.And precisely, a new video of just over five minutes has ten useful tips available on iPhone.We have selected the most interesting for you, but you can also view the content below (beware, it is in English and the subtitles in French are not activated):


If you happen to type too much on the iPhone calculator, know that there is indeed a way to erase it.It only takes a simple slide to the left or to the right, from the top of the screen, to do this.Practice.

It is also possible to copy a number with a long support on it, then touching the Copy bubble which is displayed then.For the demonstration, go to the video above.

Take a photo quickly

Vidéo : dix astuces bien utiles pour votre nouvel iPhone

Imagine that you see an animal to photograph at the last moment: no time to unlock your iPhone before it runs away.To do this, Apple fortunately imagined a shortcut available on the lock screen.This is installed at the bottom right;Just slide your finger from the icon towards the corner at the top left of the slab and voila: the camera appears.

However, it is not possible to customize this button with another action, which is quite a shame.A concept of iOS 16 imagined precisely, recently, how this solution could be very practical.Let us also remember that a second shortcut, this time for the flashlight, is also installed on the lock screen but opposite the one for taking photos.

Good to know: this version of the camera is "limited", and only allows access to the photo library of the shots taken from the shortcut.The others, previously captured, will ask to enter the password of the iPhone to be able to read them, for the sake of confidentiality. - App officielle Par : Keleops AG4.1 / 5 186 avis App Store
  • How to lock the screen of your iPhone