By Benoît Bailleul

You have a recent Samsung smartphone, but by taking 4K or 8K videos, multiplying the photos, uploading to Netflix (to get an episode under your belt) or transferring data, you find yourself with less and less space on your storage memory. You have a new Samsung smartphone, but by taking 4K or 8K videos, multiplying the photos, downloading to Netflix (to have an episode under your elbow) or transferring data, you end up with less and less space on your storage memory. Let's see how to clean up …

The more features the devices offer, the easier the memory runs out. If you will not feel the lack on a POCO M3 with 64 GB of memory, it will be different on a latest Samsung Galaxy model offering 128 GB. Indeed, photos weigh much heavier on large photo sensors and what to say about 4K videos... See 8K … And it's not easy to realize which files take up space when you have a lot of files.

Several gigabytes to recover!

The same goes for unused applications: they take up space without being noticed. Changing smartphones also repatriates files from your old smartphones and it sometimes happens to have duplicates. Fortunately, with Samsung's one IU overcoat, it is possible to save a lot of space in a few minutes. This is all the more difficult considering that most of the current Samsung devices do not allow to add storage memory via micro SD (except Galaxy Note20 ultra 5G).

Duplicates, apps, large files: save space in your Samsung Galaxy!

1 / Overview

Allez dans Paramètres>Batterie et maintenance appareils et sélectionnez Stockage. Vous verrez le pourcentage de mémoire utilisée avec un aperçu de chaque catégorie : Images, Vidéos, Audio, Documents, Application, etc.

2 / trash and unused applications

Samsung One UI et stockage : faire le ménage dans la mémoire

By scrolling, you will arrive on trash with the main applications involved. This is often forgotten, but the trash is full of files that take up space for nothing: missed photos, WhatsApp videos, etc. Then in unused applications you can erase the ones that you no longer use. Same with cache files, we can also retrieve space here.

3 / large files

These are often videos (thanks to 4K) or Netflix downloads. This function is very useful for having a movie or an episode under your belt if you Don't have the Internet, but you have to think about removing them when you've seen them. For your personal videos, you Don't have to forget it. You can transfer them to your computer using the Windows link function or the AirMore app.

4 / duplicate files

Duplicated files are duplicates. Sometimes these files take a huge amount of space when you transfer data from one device to another or when you receive photos of the family by WhatsApp, for example. Choose the location and delete them!

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  • How to empty the trash on a Samsung phone