In broad outline, the iPhone 13 seems to keep the equipment of the iPhone 12, but the devil hides in the details: its main sensor is larger.His pixels of 1.7 µm (1.4 µm for the iPhone 12) recall those ... of the iPhone 12 Pro Max, which he therefore seems to have inherited the sensor.

Does the great angle of the iPhone 13 deliver better shots than the iPhone 12 and shows up up to the iPhone 12 Pro Max?We have tested (to be found here) and the result is final: the iPhone 13 offers a higher level of detail with much better homogeneity, making it possible to avoid blunders on the outskirts visible on the shots of the iPhone12.It rises to the height of 12 pro max, at least with regard to its main module.

The gain is visible if we compare the smartphone to its elders.But the competition is tough and it is important to locate this iPhone 13 in the face of rival products, such as the Samsung Galaxy S21, but also the Galaxy S21+ with the identical island.

Grand-angle module: 12 Mpx, f/1.6, eq.26 mm

At the Grand Angle precisely, the slightly cold shade identified during our comparison is all the more visible since the exposure proposed by the Galaxy S21 is a little better and the rendering a bit more saturated.The level of detail is high on the two shots, but there is a little more marked accentuation on that of the iPhone 13.Let us add that, as noted during our comparison, the iPhone 13 manages to provide good sharpness on the outskirts of shots, which put the Galaxy S21 in difficulty during our test.

Test Apple iPhone 13 : toujours efficace et bien plus endurant

At night, the iPhone 13 produces a slightly less well exposed photo, again, than its competitor.The digital noise is however less present and the details are well restored.Note that the exposure time is very content (1/29 s), which allows you to limit the blur.

Night mode, preferring a longer installation (1/8 s), compensates for the previously raised faults.The exhibition is much better and the details are more readable.We appreciate the quality of the treatment operated by Apple, which avoids a smoothing often present in the photos of the competing models.

Ultra Grand-Angle Module: 12 Mpx, F/2.4, Éq.13 mm

The slightly better controlled exhibition on the Galaxy S21 in the Grand Angle is also at the Ultra Grand Angle.By day, it allows above all to keep a more lively colorimetry, even if it means losing a natural chouïa.A marked accentuation also makes it possible to find details less well restored by the iPhone 13, such as the characters on the edge of the book or the eyes of the dancers located on the left of the shot.

If it is an exercise that few smartphones manage to go out victorious, it is that of the night capture at the ultra-angle-angle.The iPhone 13 suffers from conventional defects: dark shots with digital noise and smoothing of details.That said, despite a lower level of detail than that of the Galaxy S21, the iPhone 13 has the merit of not recreating erroneous information.In short, the clichés are difficult to exploit, but a little more faithful.

The long installation activated automatically by the iPhone allows, at the cost of a pronounced digital noise, to find a much fairer exposure and a more satisfactory level of detail.Not enough to get excited, but at least the elements of the cliché are exploitable.

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