
The Californian giant took advantage of its annual developer conference to unveil mainly software new products.The various devices can in particular interact better between them.

8:18 p.m..The Siri voice assistant becomes compatible with more devices from other brands.You can for example order your heating or some connected bulbs by voice.

8:15 p.m..Direction innovations for the connected house.Many are features already presented before.Nice announcement: Homepod Mini can be used from next fall as a television pregnant.However, it will be necessary to synchronize them through the Apple TV.

8:11 p.m..Portrait mode arrives at the background on the Apple Watch.

8:08 p.m.. La présentation s’oriente sur watchOS, le système d’exploitation de l’Apple Watch.A new "mindfulness" meditation feature is implemented.Apple Watch also now monitors the pace of your breathing when you sleep and alert in case of change.

New sports in activities: Pilates and Taï-Chi.

20 hours.Health assistance.Through the internal health application, the iPhone will follow the evolution of its owner's stability and how it or it works.It will also give medical information to better understand laboratory analyzes.American patients can more easily share their health data with their doctor.

A sharing function arrives to follow the evolution of the health of your loved ones, if they also have an iPhone and/or an Apple Watch.

7:55 p.m..A new service for storage: iCloud +.Without increasing the prices, the Apple cloud will serve as an intermediary to anonymize your visits on the Internet and will be able to generate a random and erasable email address.

7:50 p.m.. Apple en remet une couche sur le respect de la vie privée.In the mail application, a filter is installed to block geolocation and IP address but also to prevent the recipient from knowing if the email has been opened.

An "App Privacy Report" function takes stock of the use of your personal data by the installed applications for which you have opened access.

Keynote WWDC21 d’Apple : des fonctionnalités utiles débarqueront à la rentrée sur iPhone, iPad et l’Apple Watch

The Siri voice assistant gains in speed thanks to a treatment directly on the device.

7:43 p.m..Lots of iOS features land on iPad.The Maison Translation Application arrives on iPad to translate texts but also audios.It is possible to download languages to use the application abroad, without the Internet, for example.

The Notes application now allows remote collaborative work and faster sharing.

7:38 p.m..Let's go to iPados 15.Widgets have the right to update and are reorganized as on the iPhone since iOS 14.

A "multitasking" menu appears and allows you to share the screen, as on the iPhone, between several applications that run at the same time.A nice step forward to avoid juggling.

7:35 p.m..A software update for AirPods Pro.Active noise reduction is more easily adjustable to the outside environment.Headphones become hearing aids to better hear its interlocutors.

Airpods are, like AirTags, easier to find with the location application.

7:27 p.m..News for wallet, weather and maps.The electronic wallet now has a virtual key to unlock a car, an apartment and even a hotel room.American drivers will also be able to scan their permit and their identity card and store them in their iPhone.Little chances that it happens with us.

The weather application is retouched with new animations and the introduction of air quality.

Apple Maps will put into action augmented reality like on Google Maps but this function will not be available immediately in France.

7:25 p.m..New in the photos.Livetext mode in the camera is capable of recognizing texts or images in a photo.As in Google Lenses, the software includes what appears and analyzes and allows you to copy and paste to launch a search or save a number, for example.And big leap forward: text recognition will work in French!

7:20 p.m..Notifications management evolves.Alerts and messages received can be filtered according to the requested configuration and the time of day: staff, work or sports session.Only applications dedicated to these moments of your day will send targeted notifications.

7:17 p.m..We go to Imessage.You can send several photos at the same time such as a mini-album.They will be stored in the recipient's photos app but marked as received during a discussion.

It becomes possible to pin a message in a conversation to find it more easily.Your friends will be notified if you are in "Do not disturb" mode.

7:15 p.m..Shareplay to watch series at the same time as his friends.In addition to being able to listen to music together during a call, Apple has developed a way to share a film or a series without lag.It works with other video services like Disney + or Twitch.

7:05 p.m..We start with iOS 15 and its new features.The facetime video call application obtains an audio "audio" audio treatment which imitates conversations as if your interlocutor was in the same room as you.A algorithm also filters parasitic noise during a call.

A portrait mode appears with a better defined face and a blurred background.Finally, a call on FaceTime can be joined thanks to a link, as on Zoom or Teams, by users of Android or Windows through their web browser.This is a small revolution: FaceTime is no longer reserved for the closed ecosystem of Apple.

19 hours.Kick -off.It is 10 am in California, it left for the 34th edition of WWDC, the high mass of developers of the Apple ecosystem.A short humorous introductory film begins.

6:50 p.m..Official broadcast and waiting music started.This is the final stretch for this Keynote without public for the second consecutive year.

6:40 p.m..Tim Cook in starting blocks.The boss of Apple, whose profile photo was changed in Memoji, tweeted upstream of this recorded conference and planned to last 2 hours.

6:35 p.m..How to follow Apple's keynote.Direction the official website in the Apple Events section or the Apple TV streaming channel.There is also the option to watch the conference in English on YouTube.

6:25 p.m..A conference dedicated to Apple Music in stride.The launching keynote of the conference of developers will be followed by another event devoted to audio spatialization ("space audio") integrated in the brand streaming service.Apple should also say more about its new music catalog without perdition, understand in a quality close to original audio recording.

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