The Pokémon Go game is extremely fun, addictive, and revolutionary.Even if the interest in the game is somewhat fell, it continues to have many followers.However, the application is not free from defects.Despite the numerous updates deployed since the release, there are still many bugs and other problems that tend to spoil the players' experience.Do not panic !We are here to help you by answering the most frequently asked questions.

A simple bug can be a real source of nervous crisis.This can also generate considerable loss of time and energy.Nothing more annoying than facing a bug or a problem when playing a game.Also, if you are having a problem with Pokémon Go, before you snatch your hair, consult our list of the most common problems as well as the solicitories to these annoying bugs.Also remember to update your application and always use the latest version which generally corrects many bugs.


Pokémon Go update reset my account

Pokémon Go's latest update seems to have reset the progress of many trainers, especially on iOS.In reality, the game simply tries to connect to the Google account with which you are connected to the Safari browser.To remedy this, log out of Pokémon Go, log out of your Google account on Safari, then log in to Google again with the account used to register on Pokémon Go.You just have to connect to Pokémon Go with this account.

Unable to connect to the Pokémon Go server

Since the release of the game, Pokémon Go servers are very often saturated.The phenomenon has only won every time the game was released in a new country.Alas, only Niantic Labs is able to remedy this problem.However, if you are not sure that the problem really comes from servers, you can check the condition of the servers at this address.You can also consult the DowndeTector site for an in -depth analysis.

Pokémon Go does not work on my phone

Many owners cannot play Pokémon Go because their phone is not compatible.IPhone users must have at least one iPhone 5, operating under iOS 8 or higher.If you use Android, be sure to use Android 4.4 kitkat at least.Your screen must also have a minimum resolution of 1280 × 720.

GPS signal not found

It frequently happens that the game displays a "signal GPS not found" message, even if the GPS of your smartphone is activated.To remedy this, Android users can check if the GPS is activated from the notification bar.Do not hesitate to deactivate it and then reactivate it. Sur iOS, l’option est accessible depuis Réglages > Confidentialité > Services de localisation.You can also activate WiFi to facilitate location.As a last resort, relaunch the application, or restart your phone.

The Pokéball icon does not disappear

Regularly, a rotation pokéball icon appears at the top left of the screen.This icon means that the game is trying to establish communication with the servers.After a short time, she is supposed to disappear.If the icon persists, it means that the game encounters a difficulty in reaching the server.If the problem comes from the server, you can do nothing.The problem frequently occurs after the capture of a Pokémon.From time to time, after a Pokéball throw, the game tends to block while the icon persists.To be, you can try to deactivate the connection to mobile data and reactivate it.If you are ready for a wifi network, try to go to wifi.If nothing does, try to restart the application.Sometimes the Pokémon will be added to your collection.

Pokémon Go Terribly

If the game tends to row, slow down or become unplayable, try updating the application.You can proceed from the iOS app or the Android play store.Look for the application in the store, and press the Update button if the option is offered to you.Otherwise, the LAG can come from a server problem which only depends on Niantic Labs.

Poké-pairing and premium objects problems

Pokémon GO – Comment résoudre les principaux bugs et problèmes ?

The currency of the game, the famous Poké-pieces, can be purchased in real money or won by claiming arenas.Unfortunately, after a purchase, it happens that objects do not appear in the backpack.If you encounter this problem, log out of the game by pressing the Pokéball icon at the bottom of the screen, and going to the settings.By reconnecting, you should see your objects appear.Otherwise, restart your device.

It also happens, when purchasing Poké-pairs, that the player receives the message "You already have this object".In this case, Niantic recommends restarting the smartphone.

My avatar is stuck

If your avatar is stuck on site, press the Pokéball icon at the bottom of the screen.If the menu does not open, it means that the application is the victim of a crash.Simply relaunch it.You can also try to go from wifi to 3G, or deactivate the GPS and then reactivate it.This will allow the game to reset position tracking.

Pokémon Go does not open

If you can't open the Pokémon Go app, try to restart the device and try again.If the application still does not open, the problem can be linked to a servers breakdown.Otherwise, open the App Store on your phone and look for Pokémon Go to see if an update is available.As a last resort, uninstall Pokémon Go then reinstall it.Do not worry, your progress is saved on the cloud and will therefore remain intact.

No Pokémon appears nearby

The absence of a nearby Pokémon is obviously a major problem in Pokémon Go, whose goal is precisely to catch Pokémon.This problem comes from the fact that the application uses Google Traffic data to estimate the population and the density of traffic.The more people there are in the same place, the more the Pokémon will appear to appear.If you live in the countryside, the Pokémon will therefore be very few, while they proliferate in Paris.If you cannot go to town, the only solution is to attract Pokémon using Poké-Genéns or lure modules in Pokéstops.

Lure modules and Poké-Genéns do not work.

If your lure modules and your Poké-Genéns do not work, a tip allows you to remedy this problem.Try to change your smartphone time by adjusting it on the network time.This tip seems to work for many users.

Pokémon Go plants when I try to capture a Pokémon or during an arena fight

During an attempt to capture a Pokémon, it happens that the application plants.This can be frustrating in the event of a meeting with a rare Pokémon.The problem can also occur in the middle of an arena fight.When you can no longer open any menu, or the Pokéball you have just launched is stopped, try to start seeing if the application walks by connection to the mobile network.

To do this, go to plane mode then go back to normal mode.If the trick does not work, you will have to restart Pokémon Go.Make sure the application is completely closed, launch the plane mode to deactivate the connection.Relax the application, and wait for the message warning that you are not connected to the Internet.Disable plane mode to reactivate the LTE and WiFi connection.Once the application is charged, you should find the Pokémon that you are trying to capture well tidy in your backpack.

My battery discharges very quickly when I play Pokémon Go

Pokémon Go is a graphically intense game, using both your data and GPS connection.It is natural that the battery of a smartphone is discharged very quickly.Above all, remember to reduce the quality of graphics at least in the settings of your smartphone, and activate the battery saving option in the application settings menu.You can consider buying an external battery to lengthen the autonomy of your phone.As a last resort, buying a new smartphone is a radical solution.The video below shows which latest generation devices support Pokémon Go best

The Pokédex bug on Samsung Galaxy S7/ Galaxy S7 Edge

Pokémon Go players on Samsung Galaxy S7 or Galaxy S7 Edge are regularly faced with a Pokédex bug.When they try to consult a Pokémon's file, the Pokédex takes place automatically until the first Pokémon on the list.This glitch is mainly linked to the Samsung game tuner.To remedy it, adjust the performance in maximum quality.Also deactivate energy saving to improve the cooling rate, identified as the main cause of the bug.

My Pokéballs automatically incur

Faced with a rare Pokémon or with a large quantity of combat points, it happens that Pokéball automatically takes an curved trajectory, as if an overpowered wind was blowing in the territory.This problem can be linked to Framby berries, supposed to facilitate the capture of a Pokémon.So there are only two solutions.You can choose to correct the curve by making a curved shot in the other direction, or avoid using a franby bay.Favor the use of a super ball or an ultra ball to capture the most tough Pokémon.

Impossible to beat an arena champion

During an arena fight, it happens that an opposing Pokémon remains frozen at 1 point of life, without the possibility of completing it.The main cause of this bug can be too many pressure on the screen.Whenever you press the screen, you send an order to the server.Thus, the server can quickly be overworked by too many pressures.Wait rather that an attack animation ends to launch a new one

My kilometers are not taken into account

In Pokémon Go, walking for several kilometers allows you to hatch eggs.A great way to get rare Pokémon in a random manner.Unfortunately, the counting of the kilometers is not always very precise.The reason and that this count is based on the GPS, and not on the pedometer.About every minute, the game estimates the distance traveled in a straight line by the user.Therefore, if you take a curved route, the statement will be distorted.The only way to ensure a precise count is to walk at a look less than 10 kilometers/hour, and to go in a straight line without making a detour.

I can't find the Pokémon indicated by my radar

The radar integrated into Pokémon Go is a great source of hassle for users.Initially, this radar made it possible to estimate the distance and the direction of a Pokémon based on the number of footprints under his portrait.Unfortunately, after long weeks of bug, Niantic Labs decided to delete this functionality without any other form of trial.In addition, it happens that a Pokémon continues to appear on the radar when it has already disappeared.Let us recall that the rarest Pokémon disappear after only about 15 minutes.The only way to remedy this problem is to regularly relaunch the application to verify which Pokémon are really around.

The game remains blocked on the loading screen

The loading of Pokémon Go can be long, very long, and even endless.It happens that the game blocks during the loading.This can be linked to a network problem.To remedy it, move and try to join a better-served area in terms of mobile data.Do not hesitate to connect in wifi to accelerate the connection, and then to iron in LTE once the game is launched.As a last resort, go to plane mode to reset data connection.

Have you encountered other problems and bugs playing Pokémon Go?Do not hesitate to let us know in the comments, we will try to remedy it!

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