Over the years, Apple has made the process of upgrading to a new iPhone incredibly seamless. Still, if you're a brand new iPhone 13 owner, you might want to tweak a few iOS 15 settings to improve the experience. global user. And if you're setting up your brand new iPhone 13 from scratch, meaning you didn't rely on a backup of your old device, there are definitely a few settings you'll want to know about.

iPhone 13 settings galore

iOS 15 Auto Lock

One iPhone 13 setting you might want to change is how long the screen stays on before the device locks. Although you might be used to adjusting the auto-lock time at something like 30 seconds to save battery, this may not be necessary with the iPhone 13. For starters, if you're constantly grabbing your phone up and down, having to constantly unlock it can get annoying quickly. Second, and more importantly, the battery life of the iPhone 13 is out of this world. In other words, worrying about battery life with Apple's new iPhone isn't worth it. The iPhone 13 Pro Max, for example, has 2.5 hours more battery life than its predecessor.

To change the auto-lock setting on iPhone 13, you can go to Settings > Display & Brightness and then select the specific auto-lock time you want.

Bring back the old Safari

The latest iteration of Safari on the Mac is a travesty. It's really no surprise that Chrome continues to control the lion's share of the desktop browser market. On mobile, however, Safari on the iPhone has always been great. is, of course, until Apple released iOS 15 and completely revamped the Safari interface. The most glaring change, at least in early betas, was that the URL bar was at the bottom with no way to modify it.

Fortunately, the shipping version of iOS 15 offers users a way to change this. To use Safari as it was in iOS 14, simply go to Settings > Safari and select the "Single tab" option.

Set up a second profile with Face ID

This suggestion is helpful but not necessarily unique to the iPhone 13. Although Face ID reliability has improved, sometimes the software may not recognize your face at first. To minimize the likelihood of this happening, you can configure a second face with Face ID. This is especially useful if you want seamless unlocking while wearing glasses or a winter hat, or wearing anything that could accidentally produce a false negative.

To do this, all you need to do is go to Settings > Face ID & Passcode, then select Set Up Alternate Appearance.

Learn how to take a screenshot by pressing the back of your iPhone

This particular iPhone setting isn't new to iOS 15, but it's still a bit under the radar. Essentially, this Back Tap feature will allow you to double-tap the back of your iPhone to take a screenshot. screen.

To get started, go to Settings > Accessibility > Physics & Motor, then select the "Touch" setting. From there, scroll down until you see the "Back Tap" option. Select it and you will now see an option to select Double Tap or Triple Tap.

After that, you can choose the action you want to trigger two or three times. Some options include taking a photo, activating Siri, showing notification center, and mute your device. Please note that Back Tap should always work with a case, as long as it is not abnormally thick.

Finally, and on a related note, you can check out a list of the most exciting new iOS 15 features here.

  • how to lock iphone screen