You may have received by email electronic vaccination proof, the famous QR code.What is this code for?How to download it?And if it contains errors, what should you do to have it correct?The press answers your questions.

Suzanne ColpronLa Presse

What information does this QR code contain?

Sent sinceMay 13 to vaccinated Quebecers, this code contains the name of the vaccine received, the date it has been administered and the number of doses received.DatedMay 20, 2,179,605 emails had been sent and 1,391,815 vaccine evidence had been downloaded.

How to download it?

First, make sure that the email comes from the notifithattion Si c’est le thats, cliquez sur le lien en bleu pour le télécharger. Vous pouvez aussi l’enregistrer sur votre téléphone en faisant une thatpture d’écran ou en l’enregistrant manuellement.

What should be done if it contains false information?

This can actually happen.Alain Lamarre, an immunology specialist attached to the National Institute of Scientific Research (INRS), received by email this week the link to download the QR code of his 83 -year -old father, injected onMarch 13.The name and date of birth on the document are good, but not the name of the vaccine. On indique erronément « AstraZenethat»».

"I remembered that my father told me that he had received the pfizer vaccine.So, I said to myself, it's weird, maybe he was wrong, "he said.M.Lamarre checked with her father who had kept the paper proof that had been given to him after his vaccine.The name that appears on paper is well pfizer.

"I would have expected that the information of the QR code will be extracted directly from the database.Moi, ça me sonne une cloche qu’il y a un processus manuel là-dedans et que des informations sont entrées à la mitaine.We can make mistakes by doing this, ”he explains.

Vaccination Que faire du code QR ?

The press asked the question at the Ministry of Health and Social Services (MSSS)."The QR code is fed from the vaccination register database," it is said.This is possibly an error in entry by vaccination staff in the vaccination register.»»

"If there are errors in the QR code, you can communicate at 1-877-644-4545. Des préposés vous dirigeront au bon endroit»», indique-t-on.

Monique Langlois, for her part, received a QR code which was not intended for him."I don't know what to do with the code that I have received and that doesn't belong to me," she explains. Ça appartient à un dénomméMichel Langlois qui a été vacciné à Vaudreuil.These emails are generated automatically.We cannot answer it.So I can't report the error.»»

Mme Langlois a téléphoné à Services Québec pour obtenir des réponses. « Les préposés n’ont reçu aucune consigne sur les réponses à donner, mais ils ont eu des appels de personnes qui avaient reçu des codes contenant des informations erronées»», rapporte-t-elle.

What is the QR code for?

Difficult to say, for the moment. Ce code n’est pas encore activé, rappelle leMinistère. « La lecture du code QR nécessite une clé de “désencryption” et seul leMSSS possède cette clé»», indique-t-on.

Roxane Borgès Da Silva, professeure à l’École de santé publique de l’Université deMontréal, se questionne quant à elle sur les objectifs et signale qu’il y a des retards dans les envois.Vaccinated since May 13, she has still not received an invitation to download her vaccination evidence.

"What is certain is that when we are going to reopen the borders and people will start to travel, we will have to get drunk with the international community and develop a vaccination passport," she says.We will not have a choice.The pressure is strong.That's for sure.On the other hand, in Quebec, a QR code for a dose, I do not see what it is for. Parce qu’on le sait, une dose n’apporte pas l’effithatcité complète, ça prend deux doses.»»

Mme Borgès Da Silva ajoute que, selon elle, « ce serait non fondé scientifiquement et irréaliste de laisser entrer des gens dans des espaces clos, comme des restaurants ou des salles de spectacle, sur la base d’une seule dose reçue»».

A person who contracted COVID-19 needs only one dose of vaccine.How will she be able to demonstrate that she is immune if her QR code indicates a dose?

«Mon conjoint, mon fils et moi avons eu la COVID en juillet 2020»», nous a écrit une lectrice inquiète."We have now received our first dose of vaccine.Minister [Christian] Dubé constantly repeats that the second dose is not necessary for us.On the other hand, the QR code does not take into account this fact.We will therefore have a QR code indicating that we have received a single dose.We are 347,000 in this situation.And, of course, we want to obtain proof that we are immune.»»

LeMSSS précise que la preuve de vaccination électronique fournie n’est pas une preuve d’immunité. « L’applithattion et l’utilisation de cette preuve électronique, au Québec, restent à définir selon les recommandations de la Santé publique.The work continues.»»

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