The departments of state, trade, energy and the Pentagon would discuss a possible registration of Honor on the list of entities with which American companies would hardly have the right to trade.This is reminiscent of the embargo which still strikes the former owner of Honor, namely Huawei.

Honor Magic 3 and Magic 3 Pro // Source: Honor

Shortly after its installation, the Biden administration quickly clarified its intentions concerning Huawei and the embargo that weighs on the Chinese company, deciding to maintain the tight vintage.With the consequences that we know on the sales of smartphones of the Chinese company.Well everything indicates that Honor could follow the same path.

To go further which smartphone Honor to choose in 2022?

What does Honor risk concretely?

Honor had taken his independence from Huawei to be able to recover the Play Store and the Google apps and thus recover his room for maneuver, not without difficulties.But according to an article in the Washington Post, the main US security agencies are debating the opportunity to place Honor on a black export list.

Concretely, these discussions aim to decide whether or not, Honor will be registered on a black list of the trade department.If a company comes to be registered on this list, exports of American technology to it (we think of Google services for example) become prohibited without special license.

Why is the inscription on black list not (yet) certain?

For the time being, Honor would not yet be officially in the kneader, because the four agencies present around the table have not managed to agree.The Pentagon (equivalent of the Ministry of Defense) and the Ministry of Energy would both wish Honor to be placed on the black list.Opposite, the trade departments and the State Department (equivalent of foreign affairs) do not wish.

Après Huawei, les États-Unis envisagent un embargo sur Honor malgré son indépendance

The Huawei P50 Pro // Source: Huawei

From what the post reports, faced with the blocking of discussions, "the question was called on appeal at the level of political representatives of the four agencies," wrote the newspaper.If the latter again come to agree, it could be President Biden who directly contrasts the question.

As a reminder, the American authorities had justified the embargo against Huawei by advancing that the company represents a threat to the security of their citizens.Its preponderant role in network infrastructure and in particular on 5G has notably been pointed out.The United States believing that the firm could use its infrastructure for espionage on behalf of China.

The sale of Honor, an escape?

Again, a declaration by the spokesperson for the Commerce Department, who initiated the discussions, seems to lead to similar considerations for Honor.Brittany Caplin said:

In addition, a dozen republican legislators wrote directly to the Secretary of State for Trade, Gina Raimondo to encourage him to register Honor on this famous blacklist.The signatories indicated in particular that the sale of Honor by Huawei was equivalent to an "escape from export control".

If we summarize their arguments, the Republican senators consider that the concerns that have led to banish Huawei should maintain themselves on Honor, since the company is supported by the Chinese State.They also consider that the fact that honor is a smaller structure makes it more "discreet" and that it would be a desire to "thwart American sanctions".

Why the scale could weigh on the side of Honor

The manager of the technology branch of the consulting firm Eurasia Group, Paul Triolo, tempers for his part with the Washington Post."It is quite difficult to demonstrate that the manufacture of mobile phones by Honor is a threat to national security," he said.

A last element could play in the balance in favor of the Chinese group.Since its independence, Honor has been dealing directly with Qualcomm, an American company therefore, which provides it with fleas for its latest phones.Excluding Honor could be counterproductive for an American industry leader, even if Honor's sales volumes are probably not yet sufficient to be really determining.

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Follow the whole case: Donald Trump, Huawei and Google

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