
For the safety of your mobile, it is important that you control the temperature of its battery.So you can easily discover it on your Xiaomi smartphone.

Taking care of your mobile battery is essential so as not to have to pass the whole day taped to the charger, which is far from comfortable.In order to maintain a long lifespan of this component, it is important that you know how to know its temperature to protect it when it is too high.If you have a portable xiaomi no problem then see the temperature of the battery on their smartphones, it is particularly easy.

Knowing how to see the temperature of the battery is particularly useful in summer, when we generally visit the pools, beaches and outdoor places where the mobile heats more easily.In addition, this procedure may also tell you that something is wrong with this article when you charge it.Without further ado, let's see how you can know the temperature of your Xiaomi mobile battery and why it is so important to know it.

So you can know the battery temperature of your Xiaomi mobile to protect its safety.

How to know what temperature is the battery of your Xiaomi mobile

Comment connaître facilement la température de la batterie de votre mobile Xiaomi

MIUI, Xiaomi's personalization layer for your devices, has some faults, but also advantages in the form of many functions that allow you to learn more about the operation of the phone.One of the most interesting tools is the one that allows you to know the battery temperature without having to install applications such as Battery Temperature.

It is an easily accessible and very important function, so we will know which steps you need to follow to know the temperature of the battery of your Mobile Xiaomi:

  1. Ouvrez les paramètres de votre smartphone Xiaomi.
  2. Entrez dans la section « Batterie et performances ».
  3. Cliquez sur la section « Batterie » en haut à droite.
  4. Sous la rubrique « Température » vous pourrez connaître ces données de la batterie. De plus, dans cette section, vous découvrirez également le nombre de fois que vous avez chargé le terminal au cours de la journée en cours, vous pourrez configurer l’économie de batterie dans les applications et programmer un allumage et un extinction automatiques.

As you can see, it is extremely easy to see the current temperature of your mobile battery.When you suspect that this component is too hot, you just have to go to the "battery" section to confirm it or leave it quiet in the event of a suspicion.

Why is it important to know the battery temperature

The battery is one of the most important components of your smartphone, and its good maintenance depends on the fact that it should not always be connected to the charger.When it comes to knowing the current battery state, its temperature is part of the key data.

Related sections: phones, Chinese phones, Xiaomi

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