La connexion à Instagram est impossible lorsque vous oubliez votre mot de passe, et que vous utilisez la méthode de connexion classique.Fortunately, there are some tips allowing you to connect to your account without going through password entry.These are to be discovered here.

Being a Facebook property, Instagram is both a video and photos sharing service, a social network and an application.It was created in October 2010.It was the Brazilian Michel Mike Krieger and the American Kevin Systrom who created him.To use it, you must of course create an account.To do this, you must provide an email address and password.

However, you can also connect by simply using your Facebook account.At one point, you may forget your password.Do not panic, because there are certain tips allowing you to access your Instagram account without password.Discover them through this article.


Connect to Instagram with your Facebook account

Connexion à Instagram sans mot de passe : comment s’y prendre ?

This is undoubtedly the simplest Instagram connection method in case you have lost access to your account. La condition est cependant que vous avez lié ce dernier à votre compte Facebook.

Si tel est le cas, vous n’avez qu’à vous rendre dans les paramètres de votre compte Facebook, puis dans « Comptes liés ».You must then press "I forgot my password".

Il ne vous reste plus après qu’à suivre les différentes étapes indiquées.In case your Instagram account is not linked to your Facebook account, do not worry because there are still other methods to access it without password.

Use Gmail to connect

Dans le cas où le compte Instagram est rattaché à celui de Gmail, il suffit de réinitialiser son mot de passe à l’aide de ce dernier.To do this, you must first open Gmail, then proceed to find the account identification information.

Then you have to go to Instagram and click on the “Get Help Logging in” link.The next step is to press "User name or email".Now you have to enter the Gmail account identification information.

On the next page, click on "send an email".By accessing a Gmail account and opening the email, the "Reset your password on Instagram" button appears.You have to press it. Après cela, le système va demander un nouveau mot de passe.All that remains to be done is to click on "Restore the password" to restore the Instagram connection.

Connection to Instagram using an SMS

Instagram connection can also be done using an SMS if you have forgotten your password. Tout ce que vous avez à faire, c’est de vous rendre sur la page de connexion Instagram, puis de cliquer sur « L’avez-vous oublié ? ».

Après avoir appuyé dessus, vous serez amené à sélectionner la forme de récupération qui vous convient.Of course, you must choose "with SMS".The next step is to indicate your phone number that you have associated with your Instagram account.

Si toutes les données saisies sont correctes, vous recevrez dans les plus brefs délais un message contenant les informations nécessaires pour réinitialiser votre mot de passe.You will be able to use your Instagram account again.Note that in addition to these few methods, there are now certain applications designed to open it without password.Among these, there is, for example, the Fonemonitor mobile application.

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