Instagram does not provide real parental control.But the absence of this mode does not mean that it is not possible to configure an Instagram profile so that it is safer for your child.Here are six of the most important recommendations to follow.

The fight against school harassment is at the heart of the news at the end of November 2021.With the development of digital technology, this phenomenon has long been spread outside establishments to pour out on social networks - unfortunately, no longer respite to young people who are victims.But there are more or less elaborate tools to limit nuisance.

Parental control on Instagram: there are some solutions

On Instagram, there is no parental control on which a father or mother could have a remote control of the account of his child.That said, this hole in the racket can be partly blocked by implementing several options on the profile of his offspring, provided of course to have access to it - which implies chatting with him and convincing himInterest to activate some parameters.

The following recommendations suffer from a limit: if it is a teenager, it will be complicated to access your smartphone and then to its Instagram profile to apply the settings that you deem useful for its well-be.For lack of remote control, he or she is able to access these same parameters later to overthrow them.Including it in this process will therefore facilitate its acceptability.

And in the case of a small child?We could obviously advise against putting a smartphone between the hands (and then, to strongly advise the use of Instagram for very young).But it is not so much this question that we are trying to resolve here: what is about is to manage the current situation.

Source: Nino Barbey for Numerama

There are many parameters in Instagram that protect an account at different levels.The advice that follows are those who, once followed, last in time and appear the most interesting to set up.This avoids having to regularly take your child's smartphone to act, for example to block a particular profile - which is a punctual intervention.

All these recommendations are avenues, that it can be wise to supplement with discussions with your child, but also a learning to show him how we block an account or remove a comment.And even if these tools can be insufficient in certain circumstances, it is good to know them and activate them even if they are not the panacea.

Pour aller plus loinComment publier des photos sur Instagram depuis un ordinateur ?

How to pass your Instagram account in private

Contrôle parental et Instagram : 6 réglages indispensables pour protéger son enfant

By passing a private account, only Internet users subscribers can see photos and videos.The others who are not and who wish to see these contents must apply for adding to appear in the contact list, which is possible to refuse.

If your child has a public account, you can remedy it by going in the settings:

As for the withdrawal of contacts, still in "confidentiality", search for the line "Your subscriptions to accounts", go to the "subscribers" tab and click on the "Remove" button for all the accounts you wantnot allow your child's subscriptions.They will be excluded from his list of contacts and, therefore, will no longer have the possibility of seeing anything from him.

Source: Instagram

Define a daily reminder

Your teenager probably spends a lot of time on his smartphone and we know that an application like Instagram monopolizes attention a lot.A gentle way to report to your offspring that it may have been a little too long when she scrolls in search of new photos?Show him concretely the time he has just spent on it, by displaying an alert at the end of a certain period.

You are free to determine a strict duration, but too much rigidity may be counterproductive and not encourage the teenager to respect the proposed limit.Note that this is only a reminder: this will not cause the Instagram account inactivation for the rest of the day.Under these conditions, it is better to succeed in convincing the teenager of the interest of music, rather than going to confrontation.

Source: Instagram

Deactivate likes

We know that likes can have some deleterious effects on the well-being of young people.In 2016, an article from the Washington Post mentioned the case of a young woman who only keeps a handful of photos on her account, and deletes the rest.Why ?Because she finds that Internet users do not always react well enough to her publications, which would be a sign that the photo is not cool or pretty.

The deactivation of likes has been possible since this spring, after several tests.The settings include not only deactivation of likes for other publications (you no longer see them), the releases of your child's accounts, but also the number of views.The whole procedure is described in dedicated paper, which you can find at this address.

Check identifications and mentions

Whether the account is private or public, it can be the subject of identifications and mentions: here again, Instagram provides tools to decide if you accept them all, if you only want to have those of the people that your child follows orgood person.These mentions concern stories, comments, live videos and legends.They are triggered with the “@Pseudonym” command.

Know that you can review the publications in which there are already identifications of your child.Just go to "identified publications", then "approve the identifications manually".You will see the list of the photos concerned, but also an area grouping the identifications pending.An option to manually approve these markings is offered.

The Social Media Sitter takes care of your Instagram account during your stay.

Source : Helena Lopes / Pexels

Limit comments

If you pass the account of your child in private, the comments will be reserved for people authorized to follow him.But if he finds that it is excessive and does not want this option, an intermediate measure which could suit him is to limit the comments - several levels exist: everyone, the people you follow, those who follow you ...

Pin a comment on Instagram

Source: Instagram

Block words on Instagram

Instagram provides automatic tools to block offensive words and sentences.Several levers are available: hide aggressive comments both in publications, in reels, live videos and IGTV.You can also request an advanced filtering of the comments, in order to intercept what could be suspect.Finally, you can also do the same for invitations by message.

Note that Instagram also gives you the possibility of personalizing this list by adding all the words and phases of which you judge the required interception.You have to go to the section which is a little lower, with "personalized words and sentences".Click on "Manage the list" and enter everything you seem to banish.Don't forget to check the two options below.

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