We know that Samsung has been working on devices with folding screens for several years now and a large living room like CES is the ideal place to show its know-how in this area, for example.Thus, several people have been able to demonstrate what could well be the next generations of devices using flexible or folding screens.The manufacturer even gave them names as for a future marketing.So there is the flex g, the flex s the flex note.

The Samsung Flex S and Flex G, two different folding concepts

The Samsung Flex S is an electronic device presenting itself as a large screen which opens to show itself like a very large touch pad with three parts which unfold in relation to the others and forming an S when it is completely folded.In a more compact format, another FLEX S uses an inward folding system, also with three components.The first part folds back on the second and it folds outwards to stay in the back of the last shutter, completely on the left.At the end, we end up with a device the size of a smartphone in hand, but at the start, the device presents itself as a wider than high tablet.

The Samsung Flex G, for its part, folds inwards with a first part which returns to the main part and the left shutter falling back on the other two as if to "close" the mobile.In this state, in profile, the three components form a G.*

Samsung Flex slidable, a screen that takes place to grow

Samsung fait la démonstration de 3 prototypes de smartphones pliants au CES 2022

The Samsung Flex Slidable is also a prototype which is quite similar in its approach to the concept X 2021 that Oppo had presented us soon a year ago now.The principle is to have a screen in front of you which can be stretched on one of the sides in order to offer a much larger display surface if necessary.The part that takes place can be used as a sidebar to access certain favorite applications, for example.

Finally, we get out of the field of mobile phones to enter that of computer science with the Samsung Flex Note.Indeed, it is an electronic device that is similar to a 13 -inch computer when closed, but can deploy its screen like a giant tablet with a screen that has a 17 -inch dimension.The upper part therefore serves as a main screen while the lower part, placed flat on a desk, can display a keyboard or other useful commands.

If the concept is interesting, it should also be taken into account that touch keyboards have never appealed to a large audience in the computer field and that the system called to be installed within the device, Windows 11 of Microsoft is notnot yet adapted to this type of device.

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