(Vancouver) Canadian justice has closed the last part of the extradition hearings to the United States of the financial director of Chinese giant Huawei on Wednesday, concluding nearly 1,000 days of legal battle and diplomatic crisis.

Agence France-Presse

Meng Wanzhou, 49 ans, fille du fondateur du géant des télécoms, Ren Zhengfei, avait été arrêtée le 1er décembre 2018 à l’aéroport de Vancouver à la demande de Washington, qui veut la juger pour fraude bancaire.

"I will probably indicate the date on which my decision will be rendered at the return hearing of October 21," said judge Heather Holmes, before the Supreme Court of British-British.

The arrest of Huawei's financial director, followed a few days later in China by that of two Canadians, caused a serious diplomatic crisis between Beijing and Ottawa.

American justice accuses the number 2 of the telecoms giant of having lied to a manager of the HSBC bank during a meeting in Hong Kong in 2013, about the links between the Chinese group and a subsidiary named Skycom which sold equipmentIn Iran, exhibiting the establishment at American sanctions.The interested party has always denied these accusations.

The Chinese government has estimated since the start that the American administration has been trying above all to weaken Huawei, a Chinese Chinese company and the world leader in 5G equipment and networks, without equivalent on the American side.

"Procedural abuse"

Fin des audiences d’extradition de Meng Wanzhou à Vancouver

Au cours des dernières semaines, les avocats de Mme Meng ont de nouveau plaidé la thèse selon laquelle les États-Unis ont intenté un procès « abusif » à leur cliente.

The latter did not "deceive" the bank, which has neither suffered financial loss nor risk of loss that could constitute fraud, they said.

« Les droits garantis par la Charte (canadienne des droits et libertés, NDLR) à Mme Meng ont été violés par l’abus de procédure.The only way to repair the damage caused by this abuse is to stop extradition, "said Huawei Canada, in a statement released shortly after the hearings.

« Depuis le début, Huawei est convaincu de l’innocence de Mme Meng et a fait confiance au système judiciaire canadien », a ajouté le géant chinois.

Canadian and American authorities have denied any procedural abuse.

« Personne n’a reçu une audience d’extradition plus juste que Mme Meng », a insisté mercredi le représentant du procureur canadien, Robert Frater.

Les avocats du gouvernement canadien plaidant au nom des États-Unis ont ainsi affirmé qu’il y avait suffisamment d’éléments de preuves pour que Mme Meng soit extradée puis jugée par la justice américaine.

L’accusation a notamment dénoncé les déclarations, selon elle « malhonnêtes », de Mme Meng à un cadre de la Banque HSBC lors de la rencontre à Hong Kong en 2013 concernant les liens entre Huawei et Skycom lors d’une présentation PowerPoint au cœur de la procédure.

Meng Wanzhou is currently living in his luxurious property in Vancouver and wears an electronic bracelet.

In the event of an appeal, the legal proceedings could last another several years.

These last audiences, which started in early August in early August, took place when Chinese justice has just condemned two Canadians, the first to the death penalty for drug trafficking, and the businessman Michael Spaval at 11 years oldimprisonment for espionage.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau had quickly denounced the "unacceptable and unfair" sentence imposed by China on Michael Spaval, a verdict also castigated by the European Union and the United States.

The verdict of the trial of ex-diplomat Michael Kovrig, also tried for espionage, is expected soon.

The "arbitrary" detention of the two Canadians is perceived by Ottawa as a reprisal measure after the arrest of Meng Wanzhou at the request of the States.

Beijing, who calls Ottawa to the "immediate release" of the leader, denies using the two Canadians imprisoned as a currency of exchange.

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